"I am tired of waiting." Every girl has said it at one time or another. Young or old our hearts long for love. I remember being 14 and being tired of my singleness. I don't think 14 year-olds count as single, they are just too young for a boyfriend. But blame it on how we are designed or Disney, we crave companionship from a very young age.
I've liked several boys in my life. I've thought and thought and thought trying to decide whether I wanted to give my heart to these boys. I thought so much I may as well have committed my affections I was so invested mentally and emotionally through my contemplation.
The same phrase came up over and over again,"I am tired of waiting." Waiting for someone decent to come around. Waiting for that certain someone to like you back. Waiting to walk down the aisle and mutually confess unconditional love. Our hearts yearn for this, but our hearts have not been quenched.
Romance is addicting and alluring. Little girls are infatuated with it and it makes big girls cynical. It is not a nonsensical obsession, we are made to be attracted to the opposite sex and seek pure communion with others. But has our focus on romance destroyed our friendships?
What are we really waiting for? We think we like this boy so we need him to like us back and ask us out so we can be in a relationship. So we can get what we are waiting for. But, in a way, don't we already have them? We know them, we get to spend time with them. Why is this not enough? Why can't we allow relationships to grow without a definite destination?
Relationships do not get their value by destination, but the beauty is in the journey. Even marriage, the closest human relationship anyone can experience, is by no means a destination. It is just a different stage in a journey of constant self-sacrifice and humbling oneself in order to serve and know another person.
I am not waiting to reach a destination. I am not waiting for prince charming to ride up on his horse, open his eyes to see that I am his Cinderella, and take me away to his castle. I am complete in Christ and I am blessed with many great friends, boys and girls, who I love journeying with.